Friday 15 January 2016

Always learning

Well, I hate to admit that I have already failed slightly, I have not found the time and/or energy to write daily or even anything last week but, in my defence, I started a new job  and was having to figure out a new training and eating regime. Now I am into week two, things are looking easier!
So, after providing some food diaries and then an initial chat with Nick  to assess my current eating habits and what I need to change *please note that I thought it was wiser to do the food diaries AFTER my Christmas indulgence* we sat down and wrote a comprehensive weekly food diary that included the dishes I like as well as encouraging some new habits that I had been resisting for awhile.
Yep, you guessed it, carbs! 
Now, I will freely admit that I too was convinced that carbs were as bad for my health as swimming with sharks whilst covered in bait and avoided them like the plague. I was also convinced I was gluten intolerant after a test at health food shop, ignoring all others who dared tell me this was not scientifically or medically based evidence. Uh, they were wearing white and had some sort of certification on the walls, who stops to check if these are homemade or not?

I did this for 18 months and, although did see a difference, because obviously not eating gluten filled biscuits and cakes is bound to make a difference, I lacked energy and didn’t notice too much of an improvement with my exercise. I have since discovered that my body doesn’t LOVE gluten and wheat but can tolerate it like you do of a friend’s annoying toddler.
With my reignited relationship with this once banned food group and Nick’s  expert advice, I have reintroduced them into my diet and, with it, more energy and the ability to enjoy a good sandwich again.
 I am now starting week 2 with a solid food diary and short 30 day exercise challenge and feeling pretty good about it all. I am trying to stick to the principals of eating every 2 hours and ensuring I eat before and then straight after my work outs. I am not doing as much exercise as I was, which is making me slightly anxious but  I am confident Nick’s guidance and my own dedication will pay off. 
I haven’t cheated with any sweets or sneaky biscuits and when I did have a delicious burrito for lunch (what? I was invited by my new colleagues and would have been shamed if I didn’t partake, right?) I made the allowance in the evening to ensure I stayed within my calorie allowance.
So, lesson of the week to you all prep! Taking two or three hours on a Sunday evening to cook your veggies and make your super geeky lunch boxes will help you sit down on that manic Tuesday evening 5 minutes sooner. The stress it relives is enough to get me to do it alone. This week I made 5 lunchboxes and enough vegetables to feed me every evening for the entire week! It is also a great opportunity to put your music on loudly and dance around the kitchen OR grab your headset and call you friend for a catch up.
 Now, I know this all sounds very boring and no way to live. When do you enjoy yourself, I hear you (me) shout? I have to say, I agree, but I also know that putting in the hard work now and learning these lessons along the way until I get to a place where I am comfortable and confident will ensure that I stay aware and diligent. Yes I will want to go out and indulge but when I do, I will make the most of it.
My did I enjoy every bite of that burrito! 

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